House prices in Edmonton are changing quickly. Learn how much your Mill Creek home would sell for in today's real estate market. It's quick, easy & free!
Browse Mill Creek Edmonton homes for sale in central southeast. Fantastic real estate listings and houses by the river valley. View properties in Mill Creek by community - Argyll, Avonmore, Hazeldean, King Edward Park, Ritchie
House prices in Edmonton are changing quickly. Learn how much your Mill Creek home would sell for in today's real estate market. It's quick, easy & free!
Mill Creek Edmonton homes for sale and real estate listings have a historical story behind every address. Mill Creek houses have been transitioning from the older bungalows to new modern infill properties in Argyll, Avonmore, Hazeldean, King Edward Park and Ritchie neighborhoods. Residents enjoy the amenities at the Mill Creek Ravine with picnic sites and walking trails. All large portion of southeast Edmonton is encompassed by the commercial services and industrial real estate near Argyll Road. Most of these Mill Creek properties are owner occupied. It is bounded Gateway Boulavard/Strathcona Junction, Argyll/63 Avenue, the Mill Creek Ravine and Whyte/ 82 Avenue. The Mill Creek is a few minutes east of the University of Alberta.