House prices in Edmonton are changing quickly. Learn how much your Callingwood home would sell for in today's real estate market. It's quick, easy & free!
Browse Callingwood Edmonton homes for sale in the west. Find your perfect starter home with our first time buyer real estate listings, bungalows, townhouses and homes in Callingwood by community - Callingwood, Jamieson Place, Lymburn, Ormsby Place
House prices in Edmonton are changing quickly. Learn how much your Callingwood home would sell for in today's real estate market. It's quick, easy & free!
Callingwood Edmonton homes for sale consist of several affordable townhouses, apartments and smaller single family homes. This is a great place to purchase real estate for first time buyers.. Callingwood is a perfect place to check out real estate listings if you are just starting your house hunting! Most of these west Edmonton affordable homes for sale will be constructed in the 1970's. Calling is best known for the Callingwood farmers market. Transit service is exceptional in this part of our municipality. There is plenty of green space, a dog park, reatil shops and professional services within walking distance. These neighborhoods include Callingwood North and South, Jamieson Place, Lymburn and Ormsby Place properties.