House prices in Edmonton are changing quickly. Learn how much your Bonnie Doon home would sell for in today's real estate market. It's quick, easy & free!
Bonnie Doon Edmonton homes for sale in the southeast. Prime location real estate listings, skinny homes and beautiful houses. View recently renovated bungalow homes near Bonnie Doon shopping Mall by community - Bonnie Doon, Cloverdale, Holyrood, Idylwylde, Kenilworth, Ottewell
House prices in Edmonton are changing quickly. Learn how much your Bonnie Doon home would sell for in today's real estate market. It's quick, easy & free!
Bonnie Doon Edmonton homes for sale will vary in age and price. Many of these central-southeast homes have been replaced with newer modern houses. Originally almost every house was a mature bungalow dating back to the late 1800's. Although it is currently undergoing revitalization, the main attraction in the Bonnie Doon is still the beautiful tree-lined streets which have been kept maintained. Bonnie Doon is a mature neighbourhood well-known its "Mom & Pop" Shops and for the Mill Creek Ravine Park which forms its west boundary. The Bonnie Doon shopping mall is on its east boundary with over 60 shops and services. It is a strong Franco-Albertan community. The Bonnie Doon Community League was established in 1918 and today is still maintains a community hall and an outdoor rink located at 93 Street and 92 Avenue. These southeast Edmonton properties in Bonnie Doon are always a great real estate investment. Communities include Bonnie Doon, Cloverdale, Holyrood, Idylwylde, Kenilworth, Ottewell and Strathearn.